Created in 2006, the Laboratory of Sensory Ecology is based at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), campus of Natal. Natal, the capital city of Rio Grande do Norte State, is a pleasant seaside town located in the northeastern region of Brazil.
Our facilities include infrastructure for behavioral experimentation, psychophysics, spectrophotometry and visual modeling.
In cooperation with environmental agencies and other universities, we also conduct field work at different Brazilian biomes, such as: rain forests (Atlantic Rain Forest), xeric shrublands (Caatinga), savannas (Cerrado) and grasslands (Pampa).
Created in 2006, the Laboratory of Sensory Ecology is based at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), campus of Natal. Natal, the capital city of Rio Grande do Norte State, is a pleasant seaside town located in the northeastern region of Brazil.
Where We Are
Laboratory of Sensory Ecology
Department of Physiology and Behavior
Biosciences Center
Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte